pumpkin competition 2021


Happy growers congregated (ok so the drink and food very kindly supplied by landlord Andy might have had something to do with it…) at The Engine to see if their curcurbit offerings came up to scratch. The winners were well-separated this year, so no room for argy bargy with the Officials.


1st Martin Poole 94 1/2 lb

2nd John Travers 81 1/2 lb

3rd Nigel Wells 63 lb


1st Hallie Watkins 39 lb

2nd Katie Davies 36 1/4 lb

3rd Hector Gormley 29 3/4 lb


Happy winner Martin lubricates his thirsty greenfingers

Happy winner Martin lubricates his thirsty greenfingers

Halie’s pumpkin was a whopper!

Halie’s pumpkin was a whopper!