open day 2021 

Back to (almost) normality - HURRAH!

Folk came in their hundreds to Odibourne this year to have a good old poke around the site, meet the folk tending their plots and they weren’t half generous in their offerings on the gate and elsewhere.

There was Pimms to be quaffed (so this is what you have more time to do when you’re no longer KATA Chairperson…), scarecrows to be tallied, titivated plot numbers to be admired and ice creams to be scoffed. Along with local artists Jacqui Smithson and Paul Miller and of course lots of runner beans and courgettes on sale. The eagle-eyed even spotted a banana tree!

And, as usual, Paula has the last word: “A big thank you to all that helped on the day from me and the committee with their time or contributing produce, which led to a very happy and successful day.” Here, here, Paula. And thanks to you for organising us all.