it’s the happy plotter show!
Yes, we know you’re generally a happy bunch, but sometimes it’s nice to hear how happy other phytophiles are too. If you think you’re a Happy Plotter and would like to feature here, why not cross my palm with silver? Or you could just email me…
barbara & jeff
plot 80, Odibourne
How long have you had your plot?
We’ve had our plot from PL (Pre-Lily) in the early 1990s.
Best things off the plot last year?
Runner and broad beans, onions. Potatoes weren’t good because we’ve had a lot of waterlogging but the lovely people on the committee have installed some drainage for us so fingers crossed.
What would you love to have a bash at?
Asparagus - they grow it on the next plot successfully. We’ve tried it once and it didn’t do so well, but we want to have another go.
Top tip
Always bring a Thermos of hot tea when you come down to your plot!
plot 99a, Odibourne
How long have you had your plot?
Two months!
Do you plot alone?
No, an old lady helps me - Lupin. She’s a golden retriever. Very good with sticks and a big part of me.
What lovely stuff is sprouting?
I’m delighted with the blossom on the fruit trees (cherry, plum & apple) - I don’t have any trees at home. I’m in heaven having a greenhouse…
Why is your plot so important?
I love walking here with Lupin every morning - we come over the common to check things. I’ve even got a picture in my head of my daughter Holly writing poetry under the trees on our plot - hopefully she will do! It’s so exciting going through the allotment gate with my grandchildren.
Top tip
Everybody has things to say - listen to everybody and don’t be embarrased to ask what someone’s putting in. And come to your plot every day - it just becomes part of your routine.
plot 5a, Spring Lane
How long have you had your plot?
A long time. My husband had it a long time and when he passed away I took it over. I am 90½.
Best thing so far this year
That I am able to do it and have fought the weeds. The peace and fresh air is what I like and the people - but we don’t have long conversations because we’re all busy.
Like to experiment with?
Sweet potatoes! I got some off the Freebay table we have to swap things here at Spring Lane. I grow normal potatoes but I don’t eat them so I give them away to friends.
Top tip
Persevere - always do the best you can.